Mission & Approach
What is Insurance?
Consultation Services

Our company name, “Spiritenna,” is a combination of the words “spiritual” and “antenna.”

In the universe, all types of matter—people, places, things, etc.—are forms of energy. Energy itself is composed of waves that have frequencies. Thus, people actually emit these frequencies with every thought found within every moment of their lives. As a company, we choose to take a spiritual and value-focused approach to that frequency. Those values are professionalism, compassion, and trust. This is what we emit from our antenna, which we believe attracts people, circumstances, and events with similar frequencies.

Our mission is to help our clients lead financially healthy lives. We do this by providing them with insurance solutions that best match their risk tolerance, and that best fit their needs. By then re-positioning their financial resources, our clients can efficiently maximize the return on their savings while still protecting their principals.


Owner: Charles Lee


Insurance is the foundation of any society. Every individual, family, and business needs insurance. You pay a small amount of premium to protect the things that matter to you most from falling apart.

Insurance will give you peace of mind in many situations. Here are a few examples:

  • Health insurance helps cover health care costs such as prescription drugs, dental and vision care, and other health-related items.
  • Life insurance with a long-term care rider protects you, your family, and your business (if you have one) from financial disaster in the event of critical illness, chronic illness, or death.
  • Retirement insurance with an annuity is a great way to supplement your lifetime income needs during retirement.
  • Homeowners insurance will keep your home (if you own one) protected (e.g. fire, earthquakes, severe weather, and other natural disasters); mortgage lenders also want to make sure your home is protected.
  • Auto insurance is mandatory if you own a vehicle, and will cover you appropriately in the event of collisions and/or injuries that occur while driving your vehicle.

We offer free consultation services with regard to the following insurance products:

  1. Health insurance, such as ACA-Covered California, Medicare, and dental and vision insurance plans.
  2. Life insurance, such as Index Universal Life, and Term life.
  3. Retirement insurance, such as guaranteed income for life annuity, or a cash growth-oriented financial vehicle.
  4. Long-term care insurance
Mission & Approach

Our company name, “Spiritenna,” is a combination of the words “spiritual” and “antenna.”

In the universe, all types of matter—people, places, things, etc.—are forms of energy. Energy itself is composed of waves that have frequencies. Thus, people actually emit these frequencies with every thought found within every moment of their lives. As a company, we choose to take a spiritual and value-focused approach to that frequency. Those values are professionalism, compassion, and trust. This is what we emit from our antenna, which we believe attracts people, circumstances, and events with similar frequencies.

Our mission is to help our clients lead financially healthy lives. We do this by providing them with insurance solutions that best match their risk tolerance, and that best fit their needs. By then re-positioning their financial resources, our clients can efficiently maximize the return on their savings while still protecting their principals.


Owner: Charles Lee


What is Insurance?

Insurance is the foundation of any society. Every individual, family, and business needs insurance. You pay a small amount of premium to protect the things that matter to you most from falling apart.

Insurance will give you peace of mind in many situations. Here are a few examples:

  • Health insurance helps cover health care costs such as prescription drugs, dental and vision care, and other health-related items.
  • Life insurance with a long-term care rider protects you, your family, and your business (if you have one) from financial disaster in the event of critical illness, chronic illness, or death.
  • Retirement insurance with an annuity is a great way to supplement your lifetime income needs during retirement.
  • Homeowners insurance will keep your home (if you own one) protected (e.g. fire, earthquakes, severe weather, and other natural disasters); mortgage lenders also want to make sure your home is protected.
  • Auto insurance is mandatory if you own a vehicle, and will cover you appropriately in the event of collisions and/or injuries that occur while driving your vehicle.
Consultation Services

We offer free consultation services with regard to the following insurance products:

  1. Health insurance, such as ACA-Covered California, Medicare, and dental and vision insurance plans.
  2. Life insurance, such as Index Universal Life, and Term life.
  3. Retirement insurance, such as guaranteed income for life annuity, or a cash growth-oriented financial vehicle.
  4. Long-term care insurance
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