Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides protection for a specific number of years (10 ~ 35 years), so it is often the most affordable insurance. You may wish to purchase term life insurance if you have the following needs:

  • Get the most protection at an affordable price
  • Make up for a specific financial burden, such as a mortgage or college fee
  • To supplement your permanent life insurance during periods of high spending, such as when you need to take care of your children or other dependent relatives

Since the guarantee ends at the end of the term, you may wish to convert the term life insurance into a permanent life insurance when your needs change. Term life insurance provides a low-cost solution for your temporary life insurance needs, and gives you the flexibility to change your policy when temporary needs are turned into long-term goals.

Please consider the following to see if Term life insurance is what you want.

  • No cash value accumulation
  • To be able to continue with the policy after the fixed premium paying period, the cost can be very high.

We represent a number of companies with their term life insurance product. With no additional cost, the policy also includes Accelerated-Living Benefit Rider (ABR), which has a critical illness, a chronic illness and a terminal illness. Guarantee.

Do you want to know how easy it is to pay for your life insurance – please contact us and we will help you determine if your life insurance is suitable for you and your family, and we can give you a quote instantly.

DISCLAIMER: Insurance matters discussed are always changing, so accuracy or usefulness of facts may be time-sensitive. Article content is used solely for the purpose of informing readers, and is not intended for any commercial use. Any views or opinions that are expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of any entities involved or mentioned.