IUL as a Roth IRA Alternative

As you can see on the chart above, Index Universal Life insurance (IUL) on the rightmost column has the most number of advantages as a financial vehicle comparing to others, especially Roth IRA.

  • IUL does not have limitation on contribution like Roth IRA.
  • IUL does not have restriction of access to your cash values prior to age 59 1/2.  Roth IRA does.
  • IUL as a life insurance product has much stronger protection from the creditor than Roth IRA does.
  • IUL provides income-tax free death benefit. Roth IRA does not.
  • In some IUL product, accelerated living benefit can be received in case of critical illness, chronic illness or terminal illness.

*PrcPrt HiRtn: Principle Protection; High Return

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