Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance (GUL)

GUL is a guaranteed Universal Life Insurance. If you don’t care about the cash value in your policy and only care about the death benefit, this is a good choice. As long as the insured pays the premium on time, the claim for death compensation is guaranteed, and the premium is generally much cheaper than Whole Life Insurance and cheaper than Index Universal Life.

The insurance company that provides GUL are as follow.

    • AIG: The policy includes Accelerated-Living Benefit Rider (ABR), which has a guarantee of critical illness, chronic illness and terminal illness.
    • Nationwide: The policy includes protection for long term care and terminal illness, but without the protection of a critical illness.
    • American National (ANICO): Effective on 2/1/2016, the policy includes Accelerated-Living Benefit Rider (ABR), which has a critical illness, a chronic illness, and a terminal illness. Guarantee.
    • Lincoln Financial: There are no critical illnesses, chronic illnesses, and only terminal illness.
    • American National (ANICO)’s GUL has the following additional guarantees. After 15 years, if you decide to cancel the policy, you can get back 65% of the premium you paid. After 20 years, you can get 100% of the premium you paid. After 20 years, you can get back 100% of the premium you paid.
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