Learn More: Health Insurance

In the United States, demography for Health insurance is basically separated into 2 groups, those under 65 of age and those above 65 of age.

People under 65 of age

  • Under Affordable Care Act (ACA) taking effect in 2014, all the US citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply for health care. If your income is lower than a certain amount you can qualify for financial help, such as federal tax credits to reduce your monthly premium costs, For information please visit the website of Covered California plans in California. For consultation please contact us as well.
    Those who earn higher income so not eligible for government subsidy, can enroll in Individual and Family plans through Carriers such as Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaiser, etc.
  • Dental and Vision plans are not part of Medical plans and need to be purchased separately. Please click the link here to obtain a quick quote, Dental and Vision insurance .

People over 65 of age

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